Mittwoch, 20. August 2014

Indachs goes Guardians of the Galaxy (Teil 3) Eure Kritiken zum Film

Guardians of the Galaxy - 
Although I am very deep into comics of Marvel especially those of the 90s I have to confess that I never read the Guardian of the Galaxy Series. So watching this movie without having any background knowledge of the characters like in the Avengers made me watching a Marvel Movie from a complete new perspective. Go and watch it! It was entertaining, extended the great story arc been built up by Marvel and made me looking forward to the sequel of the series.
The movie is well balanced between story and VFX and personally I felt that the 3D effects were great!
Every character has his moment and you are well introduced into their background stories and their individual intentions. I think Marvel did a great job. A refreshing blockbuster movie for the summer that makes it harder for us waiting how everything continues!!! 

Stefan Klein

Die INDAC Gruppe in Köln!

Guardians was awesome!!

I was a bit worried when I first heard that Marvel was going to make a Guardians of the Galaxy film, I didn’t know much about the comic other than there was a raccoon with a gun. But I thought to myself Marvel Studios has a great track record up until now, not all films are fantastic but their worst film is still of a good enough quality that I can have a pleasant time watching it, which is not true of most franchises. With that in mind, I had hopes that Marvel would produce something good.
I wasn’t expecting to love GOTG as much as I do, easily my favourite Marvel film to date, a truly epic story that is comparable to Star Wars with an awesome soundtrack that I still have buzzing around in my head and a quirky sense of humour that I had me and the whole cinema bursting out laughing.
I was refreshed by the way that they introduced the characters, there was little to no origin story. Just a few sentences here and there for each member of the guardians, hinting a little of their history in natural conversation but not distracting from the main action. Quick and efficient it didn’t bog down the story trying to tell five different origin stories.
As I mentioned I was a bit worried by the character of Rocket but he turned out to be one of the best parts of the film. I was expecting an average cartoon sidekick without any depth but under his aggressive, obnoxious, sarcastically funny façade he is an intriguing character, a tortured soul just trying to find his place in the galaxy.
Another pleasant surprise was Drax The Destroyer. I was expecting a surly, muscle brained, run-of the-mill kind of character but he had some of the funniest lines in the film, he just didn’t know it.
If I was going to criticise Guardians it would be for the lack of a clear motive for the antagonist Ronan. Though a very cool character, I was left wondering what is driving him, why is he doing the things he is doing? There is some mention of revenge for his fathers and grandfathers etc. but some more time could have been spent making that clear to the audience.
But that’s just a tiny detail on the otherwise brilliant film. I look forward to seeing it again soon and am already excited for the sequel.
I think this is my first proper film review, please be gentle hehehe
Kevin Clare

Guardians of the Galaxy test footage (Scherz!)

Wieder mal ein Film aus dem sogenannten „Marvel Cinematic Universe“, aus dem auch
Iron Man, Captain America, Thor und der Rest der Avengers stammt. Diesmal spielt der
Film aber nicht auf der Erde, sondern im restlichen Universum. Und genau dadurch lässt
sich der Film auch ohne Vorkenntnisse sehr gut schauen.
Peter Quill aka. Starlord (Chris Pratt) wird Ende der 80er von Außerirdischen entführt
und sucht 26 Jahre später nach Artefakten, die man zu Geld machen kann. Ein
mysteriöses Objekt bringt ihn in die Schusslinie des Bösewichts Ronan (Lee Pace). Dieser
hetzt ihm die Assasine Gamora (Zoe Saldana - diesmal grünhäutig anstatt blauhäutig wie
in Avatar) auf den Hals und im folgenden Kampf sorgen der Waschbär Rocket (gesprochen
von Bradley Cooper) und das Baumwesen Groot („gesprochen“ von Vin Diesel) dafür, dass
alle im Knast landen. Gemeinsam mit Drax dem Zerstörer (Dave Bautista) brechen sie
aus und machen sich auf den Weg, um das Geheimnis des Artefakts zu ergründen und das
Universum vor Ronan zu retten.
Natürlich gibt es genug Futter für alle Nerds, die jegliche Verbindung zu den anderen
Marvel-Filmen feiern dürfen. Der Film lebt aber vor allem vom genialen Soundtrack von
Starlords „Awesome Mix Vol. 1“-Kassette (er hat einen Original-Walkman!), vom
comicartigen Bild und Schnitt und von den vielen verschiedenen Welten und Wesen, die
die Set-Designer, Make-Up- und VFX-Artists erschaffen haben. Die Story strotzt vor Witz
und Action und der Film ist einfach große Unterhaltung. Manchmal fühlt man sich wie
auf einer modernen Achterbahn im Vergnügungspark, auch der Umgang mit der dritten
Dimension funktioniert in der Guardian-Galaxie wunderbar und wirkt selten aufgesetzt.
Insgesamt ein Film, der das Potential zum Lieblingshit hat. Er nimmt sich selber nicht
allzu ernst und ist damit geniales Popkornkino, bleibt aber durch den Humor und den
Soundtrack noch lange in Erinnerung. Ein Muss!
Matthias Backmann
Student Digital Film Arts
Visual Arts - ifs internationale filmschule köln gmbh

Würde mich sehr freuen, wenn ich auch noch von den übrigen Teilnehmern die versprochene kritik bekommen würde!!!  Vielen Dank an alle, die ihren Beitrag hier veröffentlich haben!

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